Application notes
- Alcohol Profiling and Ethanol Breakdown Products
- Analysis of diacetyl in beer (pale ale)
- Analysis of diacetyl in wine (Spanish Rioja)
- Analysis of DMS in malt
- Cambridge University PR on using Ellutia 200 GC for methane emissions
- Cannabis Analysis Brochure
- Ethylcarbamate (urethane) in distilled alcoholic beverages
- Evolution of the subglacial drainage system beneath the greenland ice sheet
- Fame analysis of olive oil and other seed oils
- Flavour compounds in wine, whisky and IPA
- Flavour profiling in Cannabis digitial
- Full F.A.M.E. analysis
- Melamine in milk powder
- NDMA in malt
- NDMA in Malt and Beer
- Potency in Cannabis Digital
- Residual Solvents in Cannabis digital
- Rubber teets, soothers and toys